Harry Bendix-Lewis

Hello 👋

I'm Harry Bendix-Lewis.

I'm a software engineer and entrepreneur with a passion for building things.

Currently, I'm working on lingly and Forward Digital.

I was born and raised in London, spent time in Sheffield and Berlin, and now I'm back in London.


I graduated with first-class honours in Software Engineering from Sheffield Hallam University in 2019, starting my degree in 2015.

I interned as a junior developer at Richlyn Systems from 2017 until graduation.

In the summer of 2019, I co-founded my first business, lingly.

I worked as a Software Engineer at Winton Capital Management from August 2019 to December 2020.

At the end of 2020, I co-founded my second business, Forward Digital.

Since then, I've been helping various companies worldwide through Forward Digital, including Wavetick, the World Gold Council, the Futzbutler, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, and more.
